Perfect recall
April 6th, 2006 at 6:43 pm by jamesOur car came back from its recall with a little piece of paper saying that Fiat had changed the battery in one of the keys and charged us 12 quid for the privilege. Did they do any work on the recall problem? Dunno. Does it need checking regularly? Dunno. Does it affect the warranty? Dunno. Should we be practicing our tricky-self-extraction-from-a-crumpled-wreck technique? Dunno. Is Fiat’s service shite? Ab-su-loot-ly
Thanks for all the concerned comments you haven’t posted over the past few days. A certain amount of bleakness is obviously leaking out into my perfunctory digital scribblings.
Life is, in reality, good. I thrive in situations of challenge. MGW will tell you that boredom depresses me. At the moment I have more boring things to do than you can shake a stick at. If that’s not a challenge what is? There are, of course, the fun bits too – the house moving, the negotiating, the decorating (especially the buying of power drills ).
I’m looking forward to getting home. Josie’s learning has ramped up incredibly with her verbal skills and, yes, “Oceans and Seas” has become one of my favourite books. I don’t make up the story anymore, Josie tells me all about plankton and whale sharks and food chains and undersea volcanoes. Very cool.