Viva LaCellBlock

January 19th, 2008 at 5:46 pm by james

I’m just in from a cracking week in the US. An hour or two in Joburg now then home to the three. The week finished with a visit with Tim & Anne in Boston, which was snow-laden and beautiful. Pretty, as they say over there. Beautiful’s a big word. Like wheelbarrow. It was really good to catch up. We need to take a more leisurely trip to the US sometime soon to visit all our friends (yes, and family, Ben, and family).

The week started with a conference in Vegas. The conference was unquestionably the most useful I’ve been to this year. Vegas was, well, Vegas. Worth a look and not much more.

Here’s a picture you won’t associate with Vegas unless you’ve been there. This is the 11th floor corridor leading to my room. Which was Remind anyone of La Cell Block?

La CellBlock

2 Responses to “Viva LaCellBlock”

  1. gerry Says:

    Did the carpet move forward when you stood on it?

  2. james Says:

    Not when I was sober, no.

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